External Kumbhaka (Breath Retention) 

Setting up the practice

1) Adopt the 7-Point Body Posture

2) Practice Belly Breathing for a few moments. 

3) Bring your Body, Speech, and Mind to Rest.


Beginning External Kumbhaka

· Take a normal breath in and a normal breath out through your nose. 

· Immediately after the exhale, hold your breath to a count of four (4). 

· Take two more normal breaths in and out through your nose. 

· Again, immediately after the exhale, hold your breath to a count of count of four (4). 

· Repeat this cycle up to 10 times. 

You can adjust the lengths of inhalation, exhalation, and holds to fit your constitution and ability. 


Advanced External Kumbhaka

· Take a normal breath in for a count of four (4). 

· Exhale for a count of six (6). 

· Hold your breath for a count of eight (8). 

· Repeat for as long as is comfortable. 

You can adjust the lengths of inhalation, exhalation, and holds to fit your constitution and ability. 


Combined Internal & External Kumbhaka

· Inhale in for a count of four (4). 

· Hold for a count of four (4). 

· Exhale in for a count of four (4). 

· Hold for a count of four (4). 

You can adjust the lengths of inhalation, exhalation, and holds to fit your constitution and ability. 


Regular practice of External Kumbhaka may enhance the effects of Apollo’s Lyre Cordyceps Extract (and vice versa).